Leprosy Relief

Leprosy Relief

Leprosy Relief – Maitreey Preksha Seva Mission

“Maitreey Preksha Seva Mission” is engaged in welfare activities for leprosy patients and their families scattered in and around the National Capital Region of Delhi. The leprosy patients in these colonies are not only disabled but also dispossessed and deprived of human kindness and care. The Mission has taken up the cause of providing a decent life to them and liaises with the local and governmental agencies for ameliorating their problems. They are the most neglected lot. Due to misconceptions about leprosy disease even their perfectly normal family members/children are considered outcastes and socially boycotted by our society, forcing them to beg, as no one is willing to employ them. They are not even allowed to sell vegetables on the street or put up a kiosk. Their children/family members have no means of livelihood.

They suffer deep stigma because of ignorance about this disease. Due to the apparent visible deformities on the face and limbs of leprosy patients and on account of their oozing wounds & infected limbs they are not normally attended by doctors and refused admission even in government hospitals. Voluntary organizations like ours have a real hard time trying to get doctors to examine and attend to their medical needs. Apart from the medical relief through our dispensary, “Arogyam” we have extended our support in various other areas.

We Share
Distribution of blankets and beddings are done every winter as per the needs of these patients. Apart from this, winter clothings like socks, caps, sweaters, shawls, trousers and other normal dress materials are regularly shared with these patients by voluntary contributions of our members and like-minded people.

We Build
The Mission has taken up the responsibility to give these unfortunate lots some decent living.

*The Mission has constructed toilets for ladies and men (ten each), saving them from the inconvenience of getting indecent exposure.

*The Mission bears the expense of repair and maintenance of small houses of the Leprosy Patients.

*For the young children of these patients who are not allowed to play with other normal children of their age, the Mission has put up many swings and a playground for them to play and feel entertained.

* We renovated and reconstructed the old Church which is was dilapidated condition.

We Give
Complete groceries for the Leper Colonies like, cooking oil, pulses, rice, wheat, sugar, tea and cooking spices are distributed on regular basis. It is shared between each house hold every month by their panchayat. For those children studying in the nearby schools, we supply stationeries, uniforms, shoes, school bags etc. We do distribute toys to children who live with their parents.

We Celebrate
With those dispossessed people, nobody likes to celebrate any festival, though many willingly contribute in kindness, towards such occasion. In the Mission we spend some time with them and collectively celebrate the major festivals like Christmas, Diwali, Shivratri etc.

We help
Many young girls of these colonies need support to get married. The Mission makes the arrangement by helping them buy their wedding dresses, utensils, setting up their new homes etc.

We Grieve
The Mission takes the responsibility from birth to burial. The passing away of a member of these Leper Colonies, is a sad and wrenching period for these unfortunates. This is the time they feel lonely. We are always there with them to share in their grief, at such difficult moments in life. Not just emotional support but the expenses of conducting the last rites of the deceased are borne by the mission.


How can you help?

  • Sponsor a child
  • Sponsor a girl child’s education and living
  • Sponsor a medical support
  • Sponsor the Stationary for children
  • Celebrate/ Share your happy moments at festivals & B’days.

Leprosy Work We Did

